Get Your SFOC Written Now!

We will collect a few pieces of information from you, write the application, and have it ready for submission as soon as possible!

What is the SFOC

And do you really need it?

The Special Flight Operations Certificate (SFOC) is the certificate issued by Transport Canada that is necessary to obtain in order to fly a remotely piloted aircraft for commercial purposes. To apply for the SFOC there is no standard application. One must be written from scratch.

This is where Aerobotika comes in!

You need to obtain a special flight operations certificate if ANY of the following are true:

  • Your aircraft has a take-off weight above 25kg.
  • You want to fly next to a building and there is a neighbouring building within 9km.
  • You want to fly in anything other than class G airspace.
  • You want to be able to operate at a moment’s notice.

What you need

All of the things you need in place to get started


You will need insurance, but not just any insurance. You need special commercial UAV insurace. Don’t worry, we will help you with this too.


We need this information to build your application. We need to know the who, what, where, when, and how of what you want to do. Don’t worry, we thought of this; all of this information is captured in the form.


Sure, you don’t need it to get the Special Flight Operations Certificate, but we at least need to know what it is. A significant component of the application is about your aircraft, its technical specs, its performance, its standard operating procedures and more.

How we do it

The process for Aerobotika to create your SFOC


Fill out a short form to tell us about yourself and the operation that you are planning


We will write the entire application for you from start to finish. There will be a bit of back and forth to make sure we have everything required


We write out the email that you need to submit your SFOC application to Transport Canada. All you need to do is attach the documents we send you and wait!


Every inspector is different. Although we have years of experience written into your application, we expect that they will have some questions and changes. We are there to support you through these as they come


Congratulations! You now have a special flight opeations certificate and you are free to conduct your commercial UAV operations!


To be sure that you fully understand your restrictions and conditions, we put you through an open book exam to make sure that you really understand what Transport Canada requires of you

SFOC Application Development

Obtain an SFOC for a specific date, location, aircraft and crew. Use the Staff Instruction and these templates as your guides.

Submit Additional Applications

Shampoo, rinse, repeat. Use your initial SFOC application as a template to develop a few more at different locations to gain experience.

Standing SFOC

Now that you have a history of safe operations, apply for a standing SFOC when requested by Transport Canada.